Understanding Locality: The Past, Present and Future of UA in Berlin City

I grew up in Berlin, between lakes and the forest, in what I was told to be “such a green city.” After moving to Singapore for college, however, I had to confront the truth – Berlin was far behind in building a green city, failing to reconnect people and agriculture with political support and interest. Continue reading “Understanding Locality: The Past, Present and Future of UA in Berlin City”

Real Talk: Soil

Long time no see! We have since learned very much about soil and plant health, let me catch you up:We first visited Mdm Kamisah Atan at her community garden in Jurong (read about her here: https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/plants-and-good-vibes-take-root-community-gardens) and were amazed by how much dedication and time it takes to truly make an urban garden flourish. WeContinue reading “Real Talk: Soil”

What sprouts the excitement around UA?

To properly start this journey, we first need to understand why people, why we get inspired by UA. Let’s dive right in!  In 2017, Nathan McClintock found that many UA movements focus on social aspects and are often of a grassroots nature. They commonly arise from conflicting political or economic conditions, with the hope toContinue reading “What sprouts the excitement around UA?”

Why not sprout our own happiness?

Hi, there and welcome to my urban agriculture journey! I grew up in the outskirts of Berlin, surrounded by water and the forest. I remember playing in my grandma’s garden for hours, helping her to harvest a variety of veggies and berries. This did not just shape my connection with nature and the outdoors, butContinue reading “Why not sprout our own happiness?”

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